The Wholesale Formula For Retirement Income

Rickey Williams
5 min readSep 10, 2020
An Amazon physical store.
Photo by Bryan Angelo on Unsplash

Retirement planning has never been easy, even for those of us who actually make the attempt. Who among us knows how long we will live, whether social security will always be there for us, how long our savings will last, how we’ll pay our medical bills if we get sick, where to put our money for safe returns?

And that’s without any “black swans.” What does retirement look like after a pandemic, a war, debilitating illness, natural disasters, economic meltdown, identity theft or other fraud, early loss of careers and who knows what else?

Loss of work is a common collateral fallout from today’s pandemic and economic disaster. This can be particularly hard on those seniors who still need to work, forcing them to compete for fewer available positions with a growing number of qualified applicants.

Faced with a tough job market, older workers still have a few choices. Many types of work can be done online and from home. Consulting, freelancing, tutoring or teaching can be an option depending on your expertise and experience. Gig economy jobs include things like delivery service, rideshare driving, pet-sitting or walking, virtual assistant, affiliate marketing.

But what if you don’t have the expertise or experience needed for consulting or teaching and you not excited about jobs that mean trading your time for minimum wage returns?

Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business, as an older worker, has several advantages.

  • You can work from home
  • You can work your own hours
  • You are your own boss
  • The business you build, and all of its profits, belongs to you
  • Your business is an asset that can be sold when you’re ready, or passed on to your heirs

Your choices of business creation are virtually unlimited, but needing to start a business later in life means some criteria will be more important than others.

First of all, your timeline will likely be shorter. You probably don’t have twenty or thirty years to build and grow a business, so it needs to start turning a profit within months, not years.

You may no longer physically have the ability to burn the midnight oil night after night, week after week. So your new startup needs to be one that doesn’t require forty plus hours of focused work per week. It also helps if at least some of the work required can be easily outsourced.

The less risky your new business venture is the better. If the business fails you may not have enough time to recover and start over.

Startup capital may or may not be an issue, but if you’re a senior who needs to work to make ends meet, then you’re probably not in a position to pay a $100,000+ franchise fee. So low startup costs is important.

The business needs to make at least enough to replace your full-time salary within one or two years, and be easy to sell off.

Amazon Wholesale Business

This article is focused on an effective, fast way to build and grow an Amazon wholesale business. Done correctly, this type of business meets all of the above criteria for a senior business startup.

I do not claim that an Amazon wholesale business is the only kind that meets the criteria, or even that it’s the best. It’s just the business model that I have the most experience with and know that it meets the above criteria. That is: turning a profit quickly, with a relatively small time investment, low risk, low startup costs and high returns.

How is that even possible you ask? It’s because the demand for product sellers on Amazon is so much greater than the current supply. Amazon is not just the largest store online, it’s the largest store in the world. And as large as it is, it’s also one of the fastest growing stores in the world.

For the next five years, analysts forecast that Amazon’s profits will average 34% per year growth. This is an impressive growth rate for such a large company.

Amazon’s net worth is estimated at $1 Trillion. But most people don’t know that small third party business owners actually account for around 50% of the sales on

That represents an amazing money making opportunity for new product sellers on Amazon.

Of course, there’s a little more to the wholesale seller business model than Amazon’s supply and demand challenge. Sellers still need to find products with predictable demand and find suppliers who will authorize them to sell their products on Amazon.

The Wholesale Formula

Dan Meadors and Dylan Frost of The Wholesale Formula

Dan Meadors and Dylan Frost are entrepreneurs who have built a successful Amazon wholesale business, rolling up more than $25 million in sales to date, working only a few hours per week.

That hasn’t gone unnoticed. People saw their success and asked Dan and Dylan to teach them. So Dan and Dylan created their Wholesale Formula program to do just that.

Dan and Dylan’s first 421 students have sold more than $500 million in sales on Amazon. That did not happen by accident.

There are three keys they got right to make this work:

  • Finding in-demand products
  • Calculating repeatable profits per month for each product
  • Getting product listings on Amazon by providing value to Brand Owners

Those are the elements of the “Formula.” But what creates the “chemical reaction” is Dan and Dylan, personally coaching their students in what is working right now, all the way to the bank.

And why should seniors pay special attention? Check out our Review from YouTube below . . .

The Wholesale Formula Review | Best Amazon Business For Seniors

Find Out More

I’ve only scratched the surface in explaining how The Wholesale Formula works. If you’re interested in finding out more please CLICK HERE to sign up for one of our webinars before Dan and Dylan close down access to the program on September 17.

Please note: While the webinar is free to attend and will provide valuable information without any commitment from you, if you do decide to join the program I will receive an affiliate commission for recommending you.

Who else can benefit from The Wholesale Formula?

This article is focused on the benefits to seniors, but this business model also works well for couples, side hustles, or anyone who needs to work from home.

