Why Are You Struggling to Build an Online Income

Focusing on too many things will get you nowhere

Rickey Williams
3 min readOct 12, 2023
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Making money on the Internet is difficult if you struggle with consistency. Why? Because consistency is the key to really making a living online, in fact, it’s the key to making money in any field.

One of the things that most people have issues with is remaining consistent and staying the course.

For example, head over to YouTube and go through some channels that start off well with lots of enthusiasm and momentum, then eventually, they stop posting? Why is that?

What’s the reason?

Most people lose hope when they see low engagement, and they want overnight results. The truth is, you’ll never build long-term success if you think this way.

So, here are five reasons why you’re struggling to make money on the Internet:

People often struggle to make money online for various reasons, and several of these challenges are related to the points you mentioned:

